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PMP Exam Prep Seminar – Complete Exam Coverage with 35 PDUs

PMP Exam Prep Seminar - Earn 35 PDUs by completing the entire PMP course
Instructeur :
Joseph Phillips
étudiants inscrits334 098
English [CC] En savoir plus
Earn 35 PDUs/Contact Hours by completing the entire course
You will get all the resources you need to pass the PMI PMP certification exam.
You will earn 35 exam contact hours as required by PMI
You will be able to discuss the PMBOK Guide with confidence.
Explain the project management processes
Discuss the project management knowledge areas
Demonstrate the formulas, charts, and theories of project management
Calculate float for complex project network diagrams
Memorize the formulas for earned value management
Compare and contrast processes, knowledge areas, theories, and project management best practices
Build a strong foundation in Agile project management for the new PMP exam
Complete hands-on assignments and exercises

Updated November 2022 for the current PMP Exam and based on PMI’s Exam Content Outline.

Join the thousands of others who’ve completed this top-rated course and passed their PMP exam. You can do this!

PMP® Exam Prep Seminar: ID 109EPSWB 

    • 20 hours for technical skills

    • 9 hours for business skills

    • 6 hours for leadership skills

  • 35 PDUs / 35 contact hours for the PMP exam application

  • 90-question pre-assessment exam

  • 90-question end-of-course assessment exam

  • 20-questions in each section

  • Assignments and discussion

  • Coaching sections throughout to keep you motivated – You can do this!

  • You MUST complete all assignments and exercises to claim the 35 Contact Hours.

You need to pass the PMP exam and you need quality training that’ll help you in your role as a project manager. You also want to learn from an authority in project management, in an online environment with plenty of assignments, videos, and concise explanations. This course provides 35 PDUs and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips. Joseph is the author of several project management books from McGraw-Hill, the American Management Association, and Dummies Press. He is certified as a PMP, PMI-ACP, ITIL, Project+, and is a Certified Technical Trainer.

The 35 hours of project management education are earned by completing all of the course, the assignments, exercises, and quizzes. The Learning Management System tracks your completion of the course; if you complete all the videos, assignments, and interactive sessions, you can claim these hours for your PMP exam application or maintain your PMP certification.

Get the Most from this course

PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition

Define Project Management Foundations

Related Areas of Project Management

Project Management Components

Project Environments

Role of the Project Manager

4.6 sur 5

Détails des Notes

Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


29 heures de vidéo à la demande
Durée totale du cours 
Accès sur le mobile et la télévision
Certificat d'achèvement
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