Building a Digital Business Strategy
- Objectifs pédagogiques
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This course will help you quickly establish a company wide vision and framework for developing and implementing a winning digital business strategy.
Align Your Company on Developing a Successful Digital Business Strategy
This course helps you understand, communicate and build the consensus required for your company to develop and execute a successful digital business strategy.
It is designed to provide you the insight you need to help your company understand and support the development of integrated digital strategies for products, marketing, operations and develop the competencies required to sustain digital leadership.
It includes 19 lectures, discussion guides and work books that help you organize and execute quickly and effectively.
This is Part One of a Two-Part course titled “Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program ».
Part One includes:
Part Two titled “Defining a Digital Transformation Roadmap », provides an in-depth guide to developing a phased digital transformation program. Part Two is available for purchase separately. Part One & Two may be purchased together for a discount under the title “Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program ».
These courses are part of the “Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program for Digital Strategy and Transformation ». The program passes on lessons based on years of experience working within Silicon Valley for companies like Apple and Adobe as well as startups, helping them and their customers transform emerging technologies into business momentum
The Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program will save you and your company months of precious time by helping you organize and align the efforts required to set your company on a path to digital leadership and avoid the pitfalls that lead to digital disruption.
2Introduction to Strategic Building BlocksLeçon vidéo
Establishes the strategic building blocks for developing a successful digital strategy and transformation program which are required to reduce the impact of those holding onto the status quo and to open the company to new possibilities
• Objectivity and openness
• Agreement on a framework for success
• Surface new “digital” business drivers and trends
• Development of strategic scenarios
• Identify new and emerging opportunities and requirements
• Set context for digital future
3Business and Technical DriversLeçon vidéo
Overview of digital leadership, strategy, and transformation
When completed the team will be able to define and discuss key concepts including:
• Digital transformation drivers
• Digital strategy
• Keys to success
4Business and Technical Drivers - QuizQuiz
5Digital Disruption vs Digital LeadershipLeçon vidéo
Introduce examples of digital disruption and leadership and the factors driving them
Team will be able to discuss and identify similarities from the following to their company's situation:
• Examples
• Differences
• Factors
6Digital Disruption vs Digital Leadership - QuizQuiz
7Visionary CustomersLeçon vidéo
Introduce visionary customers and their importance
Team will be able to understand the importance of visionary customers and their impact on the company's digital future and strategy
• What a visionary customer is
• Why are they important
• Identify your visionary customers
8Visionary Customers - QuizQuiz
9Digital EcosystemsLeçon vidéo
Understand what digital ecosystems are and their role as strategic building blocks
Team will be able to discuss and assess the impacts of digital ecosystems
• What is a digital ecosystems
• How they impact industry value chains, jobs, and customer behavior
10Digital Ecosystems - QuizQuiz
11Transformational DiscoveryLeçon vidéo
Introduce team to Transformational Discovery and its importance to your company
Team will understand transformational discovery and its value
• Transformational discovery
• High value customer outcomes
• Outcome based customer segmentation
12Transformational Discovery - QuizQuiz
13Introduction to the Digital CoreLeçon vidéo
Understand what the “Digital Core” is and how it needs to be transformed
Team will be able to discuss “Digital Core and importance of transformation
• What the digital core is composed of
• What it's roleis in creating customer value is
• What the focus of is transformation needs to be
14Introduction to the Digital Core - QuizQuiz
15ProductsLeçon vidéo
Understand and discuss transformative product strategy
Team will be able to discuss transformative product strategy including
• Outcome based design
• Data / Analytics
• Visionary partners
16Products - QuizQuiz
17Customer Journey and MarketingLeçon vidéo
Understand the importance of the customer journey to digital strategy / transformation
Team will be able to discuss
• Changing buyer behavior
• Content marketing challenges
• Persona and outcome based marketing
• The customer journey
• Data / Analytics
• Transformative marketing strategy
18Customer Journey and Marketing - QuizQuiz
19Operational SystemsLeçon vidéo
Understand the value of transformative design / investment for operational systems
Team will be able to discuss a transformative approach to operational systems
• Goal of transformative system design / investment
• Impact of transformative technology and participation in digital ecosystems
• Alignment with digital strategy
20Operational Systems - QuizQuiz
21Introduction to Digital Leadership CompetenciesLeçon vidéo
Understand what digital leadership competencies are and their importance
Team will be able to discuss
• Digital leadership competencies
• Why they are critical
• How they are developed
22Introduction to Digital Leadership Competencies - QuizQuiz
23Customer InsightLeçon vidéo
Understand what Always-On Customer Insight is and assess its value
Team will be able to discuss
• Drawbacks of traditional research
• Goal of Always-On customer insight
• Importance of focusing on visionary customers
24Customer Insight - QuizQuiz
25Technology InsightLeçon vidéo
Understand the importance and value of Always-On Technology Insight
Team will be able to discuss
• What Always-On Technology Insight is
• How to assess its impact
• Alternative approaches
26Technology Insight - QuizQuiz
27Data & AnalyticsLeçon vidéo
Understand the importance and value of Transformative Data / Analytics
Team will be able to discuss
• Increasing importance of data / analytics
• Sources of data; product, ecosystems, marketing, operational systems
• The evolution of data / analytics
28Data & Analytics - QuizQuiz
29Continual InnovationLeçon vidéo
Understand transformative innovation and its value
Team will be able to discuss
• Why continual innovation is mission critical
• The focus for transformative innovation
• The role of culture in innovation
30Continual Innovation - QuizQuiz
31Digital CultureLeçon vidéo
Understand what digital culture is and why it's important
Team will be able to discuss
• What digital culture is and why it's so critical to company success
• The role of vision and value
• Why enabling a networked culture is critical
32Digital Culture - QuizQuiz