Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0
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(Disclaimer: this course has professional voice over)
We are proud of being the BEST SELLER course on digital transformation.
In this course we will start learning about Industry 4.0 which is actually the foundation of the digital transformation term. Then we will have a quick look at the Society 5.0 because it will impact the scope of the digital transformation projects you will be running, especially for the government and public sector. Then we will study basics of digital transformation within different departments of a company and also within different industries. Finally we will cover several case studies to see real digital transformation projects and how they were managed.
The first 2 section will cover Industry 4.0 and digital transformation which will be theory and information focused. The last section will only consist of real examples and the impacts which I guess you will enjoy the most.
This course is useful for C level managers in charge of digital transformation within their organization or program / project managers who will manage digital transformation projects. Senior managers also can benefit this course if the company will have the transition under their supervision. This course is also suitable for pioneers who want to start a digital transformation in a certain area within their company. This is a beginners level course and you don’t need any preliminary knowledge to take this course.
At the end of this course you will learn the roots of digital transformation and where it is heading to in the future. You will learn how to overcome the challenges of digital transformation projects. You will also have knowledge about real cases from different industries to show you how industries are evolving with the changes. If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to read to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away.
The topics we’ll cover in this course are;
Industry 4.0
Introduction to Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is not just about factories
History of Industrie 4.0
Industry 4.0 by definition
Industrial Internet
First stages of maturity
The next maturity stages
Society 5.0
Society 5.0: breaking down 5 walls
Digital Transformation
Introduction to Digital Transformation
Digital business transformation
Causes of disruption and transformation
Digital transformation myths and realities
Digital Transformation and customer experience
4 pillars in customer experience transformation
Digital transformation in marketing
Digital transformation across various industries
Retail industry
Government and the public sector
Insurance industry
Banking: Royal Bank of Scotland case study
Fintech: Travelex case study
Public Sector: The MET office case study
This course covers a wide range of different topics and I would suggest you to take a different approach than traditional courses. Please pick the lectures that are most relevant to you and finish them first. You don’t have to follow a specific order in this course.
If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to listen to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away.
2Introduction to Industry 4.0درس فيديو
A quick introduction to Industry 4.0 and the conceptual terms about Industry 4.0
3Industry 4.0 is not just about factoriesدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will study why Industry 4.0 has more influence than only impacting factories.
4The history of Industrie 4.0درس فيديو
In this lecture we will study the roots of Industry 4.0, going back to 18th century .
5Industry 4.0 definitionدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will go through official definitions of Industry 4.0 and the whitepapers released on Industry 4.0 by different organizations.
6Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internetدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will discuss 2 very much merged subjects; Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet, and discuss the difference between them.
7Industry 4.0: the first stages of maturityدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will discuss the first stages of maturity that companies are going through while Industry 4.0 transition.
8Industry 4.0 – the next maturity stagesدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will study the next steps for companies who has already started the transition.
9Society 5.0درس فيديو
In this lecture we will study what Society 5.0 is and what Japan is expecting to achieve out of this concept.
10Society 5.0: breaking down five wallsدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will learn the 5 barriers against the transition to a digital society, specified in Society 5.0
11NEW Addition: Augmented Realityدرس فيديو
Augmented Reality | John Werner | TEDxAsburyPark
What would the world look like if we could derive our identity from a more interactive form of communication that merges the digital and the physical? TedX Talk by John Werner
12Introduction to Digital Transformationدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will make an introduction to digital transformation by definition.
13Innovative examples of Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0درس نصي
In this lecture we will go through a few real world innovative examples of digital transformation projects.
14Digital business transformationدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will learn more about digital business transformation rather than the generic concept of digital transformation.
15Causes of disruption and transformationدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will learn the causes of disruption which makes digital transformation mandatory.
16Digital transformation myths and realitiesدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will discuss the rumors that is widespread in the ecosystem, learn which are real and which are myths.
17Digital transformation and the customer experienceدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will study the role of customer experience in digital transformation projects.
184 pillars in customer experience transformationدرس فيديو
In this lecture we will learn 4 must to have principles in customer experience transformation.
19Digital transformation and marketingدرس فيديو
Marketing is one of many areas where digital transformation takes place which even is leading to confusions because digital marketing transformation is used interchangeably with digital transformation. In this lecture we will study the role of marketing in digital transformation projects.
20Markus Lorenz: How intelligent machines will transform our livesدرس فيديو