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مسار التكوين :

Data & IA
30 total mins
Welcome to our online course on How to Collaborate with Generative AI! In this course, we will take you on a mind-blowing journey through the world...
30 total mins
Welcome to the comprehensive course on building chatbots with OpenAI! Chatbots have revolutionized the way businesses and individuals interact with...
30 total mins
Data & IA
1 total hour
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Ce cours est conçu pour apprendre aux apprenants à utiliser CHATGPT pour Excel, un outil puissant d’intelligence artificielle (IA) qui peut v...
1 total hour
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Data & IA
1 total hour
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Don’t Get Left Behind. Embrace the AI Revolution and Harness the Transformative Power of Generative AI in the Workplace (a short co...
1 total hour
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Welcome to “LLMs Mastery: Complete Guide to Generative AI & Transformers”! This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with t...
2 total hours
Data & IA
3 total hours
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Please note that this course is not affiliated with or endorsed by OpenAI. OpenAI is not responsible for the content or delivery of this course. An...
3 total hours
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Data & IA
3 total hours
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the workplace, and with so many new AI-powered tools and platforms emerging, it can be difficu...
3 total hours
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Data & IA
4.5 total hours
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Welcome to the Comprehensive Generative AI Course, your gateway to mastering the exciting world of Generative Artificial Intelligence. With this co...
4.5 total hours
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Data & IA
5 total hours
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Unlock the Hidden Potential of Large Language Models with this Google Cloud Course! Step into the transformative realm of language models and learn...
5 total hours
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Data & IA
5.5 total hours
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Welcome to the most comprehensive course on Generative AI for Leaders & Business Professionals. Unlock the potential of AI with our comprehensi...
5.5 total hours
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Data & IA
5.5 total hours
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Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Generative AI, where artificial intelligence fuses with human creativity to redefine the limit...
5.5 total hours
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Data & IA
8.5 total hours
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This introductory course is designed specifically for Software Quality Engineers interested in leveraging the power of Generative AI to enhance the...
8.5 total hours
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